Monday, November 9, 2009

Typhoid Fever in Altoona

Besse sent this card of the Altoona Hospital and Nurses' Home in 1908.
On the front she writes:
Sept. 6. 08
Hello Cousin Kathryn and Jim. We got home O.K. and had a nice time. Would enjoy some more ice cream.
On the back, she continues:
We are having a very bad epidemic of typhoid fever, about 8 cases died since we are home, there are more than a hundred cases now. We are all much alarmed.
The outbreak of typhoid fever she described was written up in the Pennsylvania Medical Journal in 1917. It turns out that a local dairyman was a carrier and the disease was being spread to people who drank milk from his dairy. The dairyman eventually gave up the dairy business and went into railroad work.

1 comment:

  1. What a unique and fascinating hobby! Thanks for bringing a quality blog to the web!
