Sunday, December 13, 2009

Streetcar Sundays - Binghamton, NY

Imagine having your visit to town announced in the paper!  When Marion Rowley's visit was announced in 1918,  Miss Patterson sprang into action:

Aug 29, 1918.
Read the notice in this morning's paper that you were visiting in Binghamton and wanted to ask you if a man by name Albert Lull is living in Edmonton and if he is town clerk? I knew him a few years ago.  I also read the death of your father awhile ago. I remember him when he was at Troy. And did not know until then where you were living. Thought of speaking to you over the phone call me up 3634-9 or come and make a call, as I would like to meet you.
Miss Patterson 22-Cary St.

I could be wrong, but Miss Patterson sounds like a nosy meddler to me, and she didn't even express any regrets about the death of Marion's father. I hope Miss Marion Rowley avoided her.

The first streetcars started service in Binghamton in 1868, with the first electric streetcar arriving on the scene in 1887.  As in many cities, several different independent companies originally operated streetcar service in Binghamton. In 1892, the nine (!) companies that operated streetcar service in Binghamton consolidated to form the Binghamton Railroad Company.  In 1893, they had gross receipts of $99,358 and operating expenses of $57,011.  By 1896, all of the streetcars had been converted to electricity and by 1932, all of the streetcars had been replaced by buses.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting! I'm related to a bunch of Rowleys. They are wonderful folks. I wonder if there is any connection there?

    I'm with you, I think the lady sounds like a meddler. Maybe she kind of liked the clerk, and wanted to get some info about the man from Miss Rowley. Hmmm....
