Friday, February 5, 2010

Adderley Street - Cape Town, South Africa

This postcard of Cape Town, South Africa dates from around 1910.  Adderley Street is still Cape Town's main street, with banks, business centers, the American Embassy, and a convention center at the end of the street. Although some old buildings remain, you wouldn't recognize the street from this picture. However, the flower market, shown below, continues to operate in the same location. Nice double-decker trolley.
Adderley Street was named after Sir Charles Adderley in 1850 because of his success in preventing the British government from establishing a convict colony at Cape Town. The ship full of convicts was instead sent to Tasmania. In recent years, there has been a move to change the name of Adderley Street to Mandela Street, but nothing has come of it so far.


  1. Old postcards are so precious. My Dad went to England in the 1950s. He sent a lot of post cards from Europe. I helped him organise them in an album.

    Thanks for visiting.

  2. Wunderschöne, Karten sind das.
    Das ist wieder mal eine Reise in eine andere Zeit. Toll.
    DEin Mann mit dem Fisch ist aber auch nicht von schlechten Eltern.
    Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche.
