Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Card to Grandma is Returned

I think the mailman probably made every effort to deliver this. Unfortunately, the sender wrote the number 1 in the German style, which looks more like our 7.  So, the postman tried to deliver the card to 276 Avenida Majorca, instead of 216. Sadly, Grandma's card was returned and she never got to see the picture her granddaughter drew of herself wearing the new outfit she had sent her.


  1. Christine - The drawing is adorable! Grandma's loss is our gain.

  2. Well that's just sad.

    I myself am a bit leery of the post office now that I just had the experience of a letter taking over 40 days to get from Georgia to California. Things are not well with our postal system.

  3. It might have helped if the child had added grandma's name, although all postmen should know who grandma is. In the past, I think the post office went to great lengths to make sure mail was delivered. I remember the columnist Herb Caen writing that he had received a card which was simply addressed to San Francisco, CA. with two little drawings above that. One was a bunch of herbs and one was a cane.

  4. Oh, love the story about Herb Caen.

    I still adore my postal carrier and the charming red/white/blue trucks. I actually really like my post office. I worry about the central locations where everything zips through sorting machines. Things too often get lost. Thus the reason I never send postcards when on vacation. They never seem to get through or get there long after I've returned home.

  5. Well, that child was an awfully good artist at that age - I hope she still indulges in her creative talents! Karin

  6. Karin,
    For a price, I make nice portrait of you too.

  7. Lousy Seizure World postmen.

  8. Careful Mr. T., the spirit of the united brotherhood of postal carriers has a strong presence in this household.... Mr. M

  9. The expression in the picture is appropriate too - seems to be asking '"Where are you?".


  10. what original handmade postcard art love it true artist thank you for sharing.

  11. Love this card! And I'm totally shocked to see a 1970 postmark on it. I would have thought it much older. Where have I been all my life? I've never seen blank postcards you can customize -- or have I and it just didn't register? Hmmm....
