Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln and Impersonators

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky on this day 201 years ago.  Now, 145 years after Lincoln's death, there are over 300 people in the United States who earn a living as Lincoln impersonators. Really! I hope this also means that they will all be eating birthday cake, because I love the idea of 300 Lincolns blowing out candles today.

If you want to know more about Lincoln and his impersonators (and you know you do!), you can learn all about them in an upcoming documentary entitled Life as Lincoln. The documentary looks at three of the impersonators or presenters, as they prefer to be called, and explores their efforts to introduce people to the principles that Lincoln cherished. All silliness about birthday cakes aside, this is likely to be a very interesting documentary and a reminder of what Lincoln means to all of  us. The documentary premieres today in Chicago.


  1. Marvelous postcard, surely the pride of anyone's collection.

  2. I sure hope they will be eating cake as well. Great post card. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Great card. i have a Valentines card up today, and will post a president theme birthday card on Monday! Thanks for sharing.

  4. More amazement... .
    THREE hundred??!


  5. I miss having Lincoln and Washington's birthdays as separate holidays. They deserve special recognition. Nice post!

  6. good grief?! 300?! fascinating fact and a gorgeous card! happy PFF!

  7. I agree with MuseSwings - I miss the separate holidays. And, 300 presenters? I think we should all eat cake!

  8. I forgot about Lincoln's birthday or I would have posted something about him. I was going to post a lot of cards about him last year (bicentennial of his birth) but never got around to it.

  9. I never really thought about a Lincoln impersonator but when I makes sense actually! Great card!

    Thanks for stopping by my was my first time...I'll have to break out the rest of the postcards and mailings!
    504 Main

  10. Great idea celebrating President's day with Postcard Friendship Friday!

  11. I love your postcards. Did you buy them, or are they from your family. They are real beauties. Thanks for stopping by my blog. BTW Lincoln is a favourite of mine.

  12. GREAT Presidents postcard, glad to see someone else was thinking about them.... PPF Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Christine, there is some famous work of art that the French seem really enamored with -- a couple bowing their heads in prayer as they stand in the middle of a field. I came across a French postcard created from cut-up postage stamps depicting this work of art -- and whoever made it used the face of Lincoln from a postage stamp for the man's face. It's just too funny -- incongruous, I guess one could say.
