Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Two Hearts that Turnip as One

I'm afraid this card is not as effective as it could be. Never mind that it's lacking the romantic embellishments of cute little cherubs and lacy bows and hearts. What's more important is that the featured vegetable looks like a turnip, and with no red coloring to prove its identity as a beet, it could be just about any tuber. Two hearts that rutabaga as one. Yes, I think that's it!

Here's a card with the same message:
It's quite lovely and romantic, but I'm not sure how the pipe fits in.


  1. Oh, weird valentine postcards are some of my favorites, and these are right up there! Awesome, thanks!

  2. They are interesting postcards. How symbols have changed today.

  3. ha. what a unique way to express ones love. nice take on the theme.

  4. Theres nothing quite as romantic as a cozy night, cuddled by the fire, with my heart rutebaga-ing in tune with my wife.

    Thanks for the laugh.


  5. Well it may nt be effective but it is rather funny in fact!

  6. I love the card, it has all the beauty of nature and the science of a heaslthy heart. Wonderful!

  7. I have a small collection of vintage postcards. I decorage the Christmas tree every year with the holiday themed ones. This year, I turned many of the correspondance sides out, to view the beautiful old handwriting and postage stamps.
    Beautiful blog!

  8. Weird sentiments, but still very neat...just the fact that they are vintage even. Love the writing on the back. 1913...that's really cool!

  9. Pretty cards. Thanks for sharing.

  10. oh what a great take on the red theme! Love this post. :)

  11. Pretty postcards although a bit odd huh?
    Happy TT!

  12. Christine,
    You had me from "rhutabega," uh, I mean, "hello.":) The pipe smoking card made me think of the expression "Where there's smoke there's fire."!!

  13. lol, I actually love that first one, so quirky.

  14. Fun selection of postcards for TT.
