Sunday, April 4, 2010

Angel's Streetcar

It's Sunday, so there should be a Streetcar Sunday post here. It's also Easter, so I wasn't sure what to do. My answer came in the mail like an angel sent from heaven. Well, actually, the card was sent from Angel, a 12-year-old who lives in Taiwan.
This was a Postcrossing card. Do you know about Postcrossing? It's sort of like pen pals without the long-term commitment. The Postcrossing website provides you with a random address of another member somewhere in the world. When that person receives your card and registers it, then your name is sent to someone else, and you receive a card from somewhere in the world.  It's fun for adults, but I think it's especially fun for kids. It's also free. Although you can't demand that people send you certain kinds of cards, you can specify interests.  Mine are listed as streetcars, trains, trams and buses, so Angel was responding to that. This card made my day!

Angel's card shows maps of Taiwan and Taipei County.  At first I thought maybe the picture showed the high-speed train that runs between Taipei and Zuoying at speeds of 186 miles per hour, but those are bullet trains, and they look very different from Angel's drawing.  This car may instead be one from the Pingtung Line, since Angel lives in Pingtung. The Pingtung Line runs between Pingtung and Kaohsiung (61.3 km.) The picture also features what looks to be a cherry tree in bloom. The perfect card for Spring and Easter. Thank you, Angel.


  1. Guess I never realized that Taiwan is sorta shaped like a paramecium... So, I get the streetcar image, but am confused by the one for Taipei county- is it a rock formation? the coastline? a traditional headdress? Nice personal touch by Angel in any case.

  2. So sweet little Angel.
    I've been to Taiwan once ~ 5 days.
    It such a nice country to visit :)

  3. Christine, I joined Postcrossing today:) Thank you so much for telling us about this. I'm blogging about it too! My first 'crossing' is to a guy in Nevada. Not as exotic as Angel in Taiwan, but it's a beginning!

  4. Trishia,
    I know you'll have a great time with Postcrossing. There's nothing like finding a postcard from Taiwan or Belarus in your mailbox.
