Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hoellsteig Hotel

Located in Germany's Black Forest, this hotel still exists. It looks very much the same, but it is now operated by Best Western. No joke.


  1. I've noticed that Best Westerns in Europe are more up-scale than in the US, so maybe it's not as bad/sad as it sounds . . .

  2. Christine, the hotel I stayed at in Rocomondour (sp), an unbelievable town built on a cliff in southern France, was a Best Western. It did seem strange, but the company was faithful to the antiquity of the area when they took it over. Well, it'll be time to get up in about an hour, so I guess I should go back to bed and try to sleep. I have so enjoyed catching up on your blog!

  3. as long as they continue to respect the traditional style of the building, then sometimes - if it's the only way of preserving them - it's better that these old hotels get taken over by a large company with the funds to keep them running, rather than being sold off and torn down!

    ...wonderful card! LOVE those sunday best clothes!

  4. In fact, I think Best Western preserved the hotel pretty much as it was. It's not fancy, but it gets decent reviews.
