Monday, April 19, 2010

Postcard to Kolozsvár

This wonderful postcard consists of a collage of German-language advertisements and announcements.  At first I thought the postcard might be Czech. In any case, it is addressed to someone in Kolozsvár (the Hungarian spelling of the Romanian City of Cluj), the informal capital of the province of Transylvania.


  1. I like the multimedia aspect of the image.

  2. In answer to your question on my blog, the Farm show in Tulare is in Feb and is different from the antique farm show in April. The one you attended is for present day farmers looking for equipment for purchase for their businesses.

    Neat collage postcard.

  3. Yes Yes to the multi media aspect!
    Very elegant.


  4. Hey Christine. Thanks for stopping by my crazy blog. I didn't know your blog was for postcards. I have an amazing post card collection too. I'll share a few on my Sepia Saturday posts on occasion. I love the colors on some cards and the things written on the reverse are a hoot to read. I'm glad people decided to hold on to them instead of throwing them out.

  5. It is a wonderful card. It is more an artwork that an illustration. Nice posting.

  6. Yes, the echo effect is common in the mountains of Transylvania.

  7. LUV this card! A great example of mail art.
