Friday, May 21, 2010

Fish and Flowers

Am I the only one who loves these French fish postcards? I hope not.  For an explanation of the tradition of the April Fish or Poisson d'Avril, click here.
The message on the front of the card reads: At the bottom of the sea I found a pleasant surprise.


  1. An interesting historical allusion to the April fish. Again, a beautiful window to an era. I like the photographic aspects of the picture, too, the depth of field.

  2. I remember seeing similar fish cards on your blog before. This time I followed the link back and found the explanation quite fascinating.

  3. I'm just always thinking of the smell. The delightful smiles...and then the smell. And then washing the clothes to get the smell out. Do they give fish as gifts in April? And are there fish that they realize simply aren't worth of being handed to a friend?

  4. I think people only give chocolate fish on April 1, and probably not even that anymore. They may still tape a paper fish on you though as an April Fool's prank. Doesn't smell at all.

  5. I just recently discovered your blog and am so glad I did. What a sweet post!

  6. Thanks Ann! I hope you'll be back.
