Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Colorado Spring House

This is a spot along what used to be known as The Lariat Mountain Trail, a road which led from Golden, Colorado to Lookout Mountain. Building the road was quite a feat, because it included lots of curves and hairpin turns over the 4.6 miles and 2,000 feet rise in elevation. It was completed in 1914.

There were other shelters along the road, but somehow this one, which no longer exists, was widely featured on postcards and in brochures. 

 This is one of the other shelters that is still there:

Buffalo Bill Cody was buried in Lookout Mountain Park in 1917.  His funeral procession included 20,000 people, driving, on horseback, and walking the Lariat Mountain Trail.

If you would like to know more about the Lariat Trail, now known as Lookout Mountain Road, check out this fine website.


  1. Ach die alte Hütte mit dem Reetdach gefällt mir aber gut.
    Bist du schon mal selber dagewesen?

  2. I've been on lots of road trips when I'd be thrilled to find a rest stop like the Colorado Spring House! It's no surprise it's featured on so many postcards. I wonder what happened to it? You'd think the stones would still be there . . .

  3. I can think of no better way of discovering America than via your postcard journeys. I'm hooked.

  4. What wonderful cards. I love Colorado and it does bring back memories of visiting some of those graves.
