Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pug and Pointer

There's definitely a pointed message here.

 The message reads:
Jessie is here and is just the same as ever. She is at the theater this evening. Ask her how she enjoys the Sunday evening lectures.


  1. I love it - I have a pug and enjoy seeing past representations of them. I'd love to be able to ask Jessie about the Sunday lectures! ; )

  2. Very interesting. I always wonder if the artists that did cards such as this found jobs doing other work as illustrators. It's shame there's rarely information given so we can't trace the history of their work. It's certainly a strange card, but for back then strange was the ordinary. Sort of like getting The Daily Show in the mail.

  3. just the same as ever covers a multitude of Sins!

  4. What an interesting postcard. I think it interesting that people went to the theater to hear lectures, but they did have stages in front.

  5. Larry,
    I have a sense that there's more than meets the eye here. Jessie may or may not have gone to the theater, but I think the Sunday evening lectures refers to something else, hinted at by the front of the postcard and the underlined words. I wish I knew more (or do I?)

  6. Are you thinking that she goes to the Sunday evening lectures to have a rendezvous with a forbidden man? That's what I'm thinking.

  7. Well, Barbara,
    Now that you mention it, that's another possibility. I was actually thinking this had to do with an aunt or other relative lecturing at Sunday dinner. I like your idea better.

  8. my interpretation of the 'lectures' was the same as B&N, guess my mind is in the gutter as usual...
