Sunday, July 25, 2010

Streetcar Sunday - Los Angeles

We think of Los Angeles as being centered around freeways and automobiles, but it wasn't always that way. The early streetcars, known as the Yellow Cars, carried passengers in L.A.'s dense downtown area and to the surrounding neighborhoods. The Los Angeles Electric Railway operated from 1901 until 1963 on narrow gauge, 3.5 foot tracks.  There were 20 lines and 1,250 streetcars. There were also 'Red Cars", operated by Pacific Electric. Often people would take trips that used both systems. By 1963, the streetcars had all been replaced by diesel buses.

Mostly, I am astonished by the number of people crowding the sidewalks.


  1. These are such neat postcards. The really depict the time and the people there. I like the buildings. The bottom one reminds be of the old Superman show with the building he could leap.

  2. Not only are the sidewalks totally packed (in the first 2 images), but the streets are also relatively empty (in all the images). And all the heavy looking clothes those folks were wearing in sunny L.A., not exactly the same scene today!

  3. Antic postcards are such a great source to see the past with the benefit of old messages. These old coloured postcards are a real treasure. My mother uses to have many old postcards from Bohemia. Some with very romantic pictures and words. Unfortunately I do not know where they went. Probably thrown away when my mother died. As a child I was fascinated by them.

  4. I'm glad you've continued posting your streetcar postcards. As you know this is one of my favourite topics and yours are so gorgeous!
    You should think about this for the Festival of Postcards - Locomotion.
