Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boring Hawaii

Hawaii is a beautiful place, so it seems inexcusable to create ugly pictures of the islands, but there are lots of  them:

The fact that the cars are now considered vintage makes them more interesting, but let's face it, this is a postcard of a parking lot in front of a motel. This postcard is from the Hilo Motel on the Big Island. The one below is from the Maui Palms Hotel.
The last one is a view of Kailua, Kona on the Big Island. There's a lot to see there, but you wouldn't know it from the postcard.


  1. The first one looks like a car show going on with all the "oldies" lined up. {smile}

  2. I agree. But that last one isn't too bad. I've never been to Hawaii. Or Alaska. But I've been to the other 48 states. Those two are certainly on my list, though.

  3. That top card looks like it wants to be my uncle's used car lot when it grows up. Jack/Youngstown

  4. Oh my, I see my families car in this one. However, I also know we never took it to Hilo so it's NOT our car. But that first card does bring back a lot of memories.

  5. On the one hand, I love it that 20th Century postcard publishers would create postcards of dang near anything -- on the other hand.... I wonder why on earth they needed one of the parking lot of the Hilo Motel. The highway interchanges are some of my favorites in this category.

  6. The nearest I have got (so far) is watching Hawaii Five-O on the telly!
    Not Boring! Those Cars are a Vivid Colour!

  7. Trust me, Tony, even by the American standards of the day, some of those chromed-up (Chrysler Imperial and DeSoto, Cadillac, etc., none of them in the photo) cars were regarded as excessive. Four and five liter engines were the norm when Euromobiles hovered around the one liter mark. Jack/Youngstown

  8. A few years ago I was trying to find a least one roadside postcard from every state. I couldn't find anything from Hawaii except for one with a tour bus. I think I will keep looking and maybe find something like the Hilo Motel.
