Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fort Raleigh Grill

I don't know much about the Fort Raleigh Grill, but here it is in all its glory with blazing rainbows and sizzling steaks. It was located in Elizabeth City, which is also known as the "Harbor of Hospitality."


  1. I was born in Elizabeth City. But I don't know about the grill. Honestly, the rainbows make the place look like a gay bar.

  2. Randy, I had the same reaction. It would be a great advertisement for a modern gay bar.

  3. Recalls for me the pyramid/spacecraft of "Stargate" (in my opinion a great modern-day B movie).

  4. Anyone go for Giorgio de Chirico crossed with Peter Max on this one? I'm not an artist or scholar, so I'm okay with a challenge. This postcard was a "grabber", a pretty strange-looking work. Jack/Youngstown

  5. Wow, we've got Stargate, Peter Max, and Giorgio de Chirico. I'm not really familiar with Stargate, so I guess I'll have to check that out. It definitely has the Peter Max colors, but without the roundness and curves. I guess that's where de Chirico comes in. I'm not sure what to make of it, but it certainly grabs your attention. In a way it reminds me of certain old comic books.

  6. This is a nice but really curious postcard. Nothing in the picture seems to match with anything else. Even the ground floor and 1st floor of the building look like they were "glued together". Looks a bit like a cross between a bank and a hairdressers. Also the rainbows only have 5 colours instead of 7 and would appear to be upside down, so maybe not a rainbow at all.

  7. Definitely an attention getter! I love it! While it does bring to mind a gay bar, what could be more apropos for yesterday?

  8. What fantastic graphics on this card. The clean lines remind me of Chris Ware's work.

  9. I think the place has got a little "Zanadu" action going on.
