Friday, August 13, 2010

French Fish Friday

I just realized that it's been ages since I posted a French Poisson d'Avril card, so it's high time I posted some more. Be sure to click here to see an earlier post that explains all about the origins of the April 1 fish. And, if you are as captivated as I am by these fish, there are 9 other posts here on the subject.

The card's message reads:
You would know the reasons we are sending you these fish.
And don't you love that the woman is labeled as Louisa and the man's fish is labeled Urbain. Very cute.

Here's another gem:


  1. Can you imagine holding those slippery smelly fish for the photograph? I had to laugh at the strained smiles in this photo. lol

    Happy PFF!

  2. Very bizarre - never seen anything quite like these before. Happy PFF.

  3. Beth, I'll guess those are studio fish, painted wood, unless Christine knows more. Any clue about the stamp positioned on the front of the card, or the postmark date?

    European postcards and photos through the early summer of 1914 can be almost infuriating--you want to warn those smiling mugs about the horror ahead. Jack/Youngstown

  4. Yes, those are clearly fake fish. I couldn't make out the year on the postmark, but most of the similar ones I have are from 1908-1912.

  5. P.S. I just noticed that it's probably the same man in both pictures. It's possible that it's also the same woman.

  6. I love your collection of fishy cards, especially today's big fish, little fish. Great theme for collecting.
    I'm off to France next week I will have to look out for flying fish while I'm twirling the postcard holders;-)

  7. They seem very passionate about their fish!

  8. Thanks for the explanation. I'd seen the cards around, not knowing what they mean.

  9. Great explanation on Poisson d'Avril! I've learned yet another thing in the postcard realm.
