Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Brother Walter

May 4. 1916
Dear Brother Walter here is a little girl for your Birthday and many more to come
love from Sister Susan

The Till family seems to have been very close and I have many birthday cards to Walter from his siblings.


  1. What a perfectly lovely postcard! I adore this.

  2. What a sweet card! I love that she had to cross out her name - I do that kind of thing all the time!

  3. It's a beautiful postcard. I have to admit that I'm a little surprised it was sent to a boy. I guess if the boy were young (maybe under 6) he would like it.... Or maybe boys were different in those days....

  4. Is that a dip pen Susan's using? The pen dipped once at the start of writing, again, quickly, after "Happy Birthday", and, finally, at the crossed-out "Susan"? Nancy, I don't see anything unusual about birthday greetings showing a sentimentalized/idealized version of the sender. We just don't do it today, although high school photos may come close. Jack/Youngstown

  5. The writing on this post card could have been one from my own family, how strange, there you are the other side of the world with post cards like some I have! And I too am Christine H!
    Blog hopped when I saw your name on a comment.
