Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to Lizzie Graham

Tracy Graham's family has lived in the the Delhi, New York area for many generations. Tracy married Lizzie Mable in 1909 and they had three children. One died in a motorcycle accident as a teenager, but the other two are still alive.  I had a number of cards from the Graham and Mable families. Since I have been in contact with Tracy and Lizzie's daughter, Bernice, she has sent me copies of family photographs. It's been fun to connect the pictures with the cards.

Here's the back of the card.

Mostly, I wanted to post this card because Tracy and Lizzie's daughter sent me a few pictures of Jessie Aitken, the sender of this card. Jessie was related to Lizzie in some way. Here is a picture of Jessie with her mother! I was sure it was a sister, but this really is mother and daughter.

And here's a picture of Jessie when she was a little older, posing with a colt. I don't know what became of Jessie, but Bernice tells me she never married.


  1. Oh my Christine, you are a master detective! I've pieced together histories before, motivated by a single artifact just like your card, and I know how gratifying it is to contact descendants. It's as though you've done a small part to preserve a family history that would otherwise vanish. Bravo!

  2. What I like is that people in those days too had the foresight to take pictures and preserve them.
    Loved this post and the family link.

  3. The mother and daughter photo is wonderful, as so many young, very young girls married so early in life and quickly became mothers. At first when I read Lizzie and New York it always reminds me of the famous Lizzie Borden, have you heard her story before? They even have a poem made about her horrible doings and I believe the very house they lived in can be toured and they even have a coffee house inside! This is a great collection of putting people together with their post cards, one of my fave things about post cards! I really enjoyed this!

  4. Very nice post and so beautiful and interesting story.

  5. love the wonderful to be in touch..and put faces to them!!
    beautiful postcard!

  6. The photos make the card so much more interesting.
