Monday, October 4, 2010

The Birthday Zeppelin

The message to Miss Lydia Spies reads:
Wish you a bright and happy birthday. Your friend and schoolmate,
Lena Stine


  1. I was smiling before I even saw the entire card! I'd like a bouquet of flowers delivered by zeppelin! ; )

  2. Am I the only who sees a Zeppelin as a flying phallic symbol? Do I need therapy? (The last one is definitely a rhetorical question.)

  3. It was look alike the one in cartoon 'UP'.

  4. Yep, the proportions are a lot distorted to get that illustration to work.

  5. Vell, Trishia...I sink vee must look at sees as a sign von your childhood. I myself only think of upright monuments in that way. Vat does sees mean?

  6. Christine, just laughing myself silly....But you know, speaking of upright monuments, the Eiffel Tower is referred to as a "she" -- by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code, I believe....
