Thursday, September 23, 2010

Diving Board Follies

Before a federal law was enacted some decades ago, people would wantonly lie or sit on diving boards, preventing others from practicing their diving skills or enjoying a refreshing splash in the water. Thankfully those days are gone and we can all enjoy free access to diving boards everywhere, since scofflaws will now see their swimming privileges revoked and may face time in the slammer.  O.K., not really, but there have been sillier laws. Did you believe it for a minute?

Anyway, here are some cards showing early perpetrators. Shocking, isn't it?  While the husband blocks access to the diving board, his wife attempts to prevent another hapless swimmer from climbing the ladder to get out of the pool. These people are a menace.

There's nothing children love more than swimming pools, but this poor child may be out of luck, under the threatening gaze of  Zelda and Dottie, both intent upon blocking her access to the pool.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order:


  1. I believed you at first! I imagine it was the photographer that made them pose on the board. I have never been very interested in swimming pool postcards, but now I want to look and see what is on the ones I do have.

  2. Maybe not for a minute, but for a good few seconds. Personally I am just surprised that diving boards have not been banned under health and safety law.

  3. First they came for the diving boards, and I didn't speak up because I didn't have a diving board.

  4. Y'all probably have read that seminal work, "Diving Boards: The New Gateway Drug?", right? Jack/Y-town

  5. Chris,
    Then they came for the water slides?
    Jack, I didn't read that one, but I'm in the middle of a novel called, The Girl With The Diving- Board Tattoo.

  6. I have no head for hights at all, even standing on a diving board gives me a nose-bleed.These people are doing an important public service!

  7. NASA had informed Congress and then President John Kennedy of its plan for achieving earth orbit by launching a Mercury capsule from a 600-foot diving board mounted atop the Empire State Building. Escape velocity for the lunar journey would be reached by an enormous slingshot strapped between two gigantic spires, masquerading for national security reasons as twin office towers. Thus, the rationale for the World Trade Center. Yeah, Christine, pass that along, willya . . . . Jack/Y-town

  8. The girl is standing on a towel. I believe she's been there awhile. Maybe she's asking if she can "Pleeeeeaaase" go swimming now. Notice it also has the attention of the women and man in the chairs around the end of the pool.

  9. Jack,
    Where does King Kong fir in with this?

  10. Brian,
    After reading your comment and examining the situation more closely, I have revised my take on the situation. The poor girl could not swim. Dottie and Zelda, inspired by the movie Mommie Dearest, told the poor dear that if she set one foot off that towel they would throw her into the pool.

  11. Fay Wray herself testified at the then secret hearings that led to the Manhattan Launch Site being scrapped . . . . Dang, Christine, I thought this was common knowledge . . . . Jack/Y-town

  12. Hey . . . I stayed at that motel -- looks like my Cadillac over there.
    Missed the swimming though.
