Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of The Daily Postcard.  My original intention was to do this blog for a year and then stop, which would make this the last post!  I'm not quite ready to do that though - maybe at the end of the calendar year. 

Since I'm up here on stage with the microphone, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stopped by and left insightful, thoughtful, and amusing comments.  That's what really makes this interesting and worthwhile.  I also want to thank all of you who read the blog but don't leave comments.  I know you're out there and I appreciate you even if you don't talk back. Finally, I'd like to thank people everywhere who preserved a bit of history and a bit of their lives by sending postcards.

Here to help us celebrate is an unknown couple getting married at the underground wedding chapel in Thunder Mountain Park in the Ozarks. I hope they celebrated many anniversaries.  Many thanks to my favorite hillbilly over at Could it Be Madness - this? for sending me this card.

During this last year there have been just over 30,000 unique visits to The Daily Postcard and nearly 80,000 page views. Still not nearly as popular as People Magazine, but that's O.K.


    Please, DON'T!!!

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Marrying is so simple - a caveman can do it.
    Why stop your blog? Why stop having, and giving, a good thing? Blog whenever you can, not daily, but keep doing it.
    DO NOT disappoint us.

  3. Oh I love you blog! I am so glad that you will keep on keeping on! Happy Anniversary!
    This post card is awesome!

  4. Happy Anniversary, Christine! Just a quick thought here: I'm a little reluctant to become a fan of personal/recreational blogs because of irregular posting, inexperienced writers, etc. Daily Postcard does a great job. Your choice whether to continue. Jack/Youngstown

  5. Don't even talk about quitting. Too many postcards, too little time. Your job, if you choose to do it, is to catalogue all known cards of people holding fish. I know you can do it.

  6. Happy anniversary Christine - I'm pleased to hear that you aren't going to quit tomorrow :-) Jo

  7. Tattered and Lost,
    I alone have enough fish cards to keep going for almost a year. Scary. Perhaps I could narrow it down to cards that have fish AND watermelon on them.

  8. Christine: Congrats on your anniversary. That is a truly awesome achievement. Having just recently finished my year, I am realizing that if I don't have a discipline about it (like, I'll just post when I feel like it, or have time, or something to say), I quickly let two weeks go by without posting. I suppose I'm an all or nothing kind of gal, but I'm back at it, mostly every day. Good luck, with whatever you decide to do! Mary

  9. 1) What a great postcard! I wonder if the bridal cave still exists; it's making me rethink my wedding plans!

    2) Congratulations on keeping the blog for a year. I'm glad you aren't ready to stop - I hope you continue into 2011 as well!

  10. I love your blog and almost all the vintage postcards you have in your collections.

    Happy Anniversary.

  11. Congratulations!I enjoy your blog very much.

  12. I hope that the blushing bride knows that her betrothed has pretty big ears, and that when they get to Daytona Beach for the honeymoon, she should hang onto him so he doesn't blow away, and that he also has sort of a duck stance, and like his forehead is is almost Frankenstein caliber big, but you know, I wouldn't know any of this if it weren't for your blog, so I think you should keep doing it.

  13. Although he had big ears, Vern was (and is) a very kind and generous man. There is nothing wrong with his forehead. I think you should consider apologizing. His wife was selfish and calculating and left him for a card dealer when they were in Las Vegas celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary.

  14. Congratulations! It's a wonderful blog.

  15. Well, Vern does appear pretty sweet... If his ex- was so calculating, she should have taken up with a card sharp rather than a card dealer, they would have been a good team.

  16. Christine, I must echo everyone else's sentiments that you keep blogging. YOUR blog is always the first one I turn to when I'm weary and burnt out. There's so many 'have to reads' for me to keep up with what's going on in my digital scan niche that I get overwhelmed on a regular basis. But I always come here just for fun and am so entertained and informed in the process. I guess that makes you the digital/online equivalent of comfort food. You are my heaping scoop of mashed potatoes!
