Friday, September 24, 2010

Skating on the Frozen Fuschl Lake

Imagine you are driving with your family through Austria and you stop at a beautiful lake. You wander down to the shore and discover that the lake is frozen almost solid. Imagine that you just happen to have your ice skates in the car. That is the magical experience we had several years/decades ago.  We were the only people on the lake and it was like glass. There I am on the right. This is a scan from a slide, so a little murky, but you can see how smooth that ice was.

I was reminded of this recently when I received a Postcrossing card from Julia who lives near Fuschl. It looks much the same now  as it did back then.

Skate on over to Sepia Saturday for more family photos from fine folks.


  1. That sounds magical to me Christine. What a beautiful place.

  2. How beautiful Austria is, I have always heard it is so. Great to have your skates and be able to have some good fun..a real all look so happy. And yes, the ice does look like glass..Beautiful!!!

  3. It just illustrates again the ability of a simple photograph to allow memories to blossom. Great photograph, even better memory.

  4. amazing story and photograph! what's odd here is that the lake doesn't actually look frozen at all!! it looks like you're skating on water ;-)

  5. That's incredible: I've never seen ice look like that, so clear, as if it isn't frozen at all. It really has an almost magical quality about it.

  6. That would have been special skating. Ours over here would have been covered with snow or cracks in the ice made it difficult to skate. The cracks were from hard freezes for a long time, not that the ice was thin. Great post as usual.

  7. The ice looks magical, too! What an experience! Your parents were so good to not rush on to the next thing, but to take time to skate together. The photograph is interesting because the bottom (almost) half is in shadow, yet your faces, caught in the sun's glow, are bright and beautiful!

  8. What a beautiful place! And how amazing to have come prepared.

  9. That looks so beautiful and so do you and your family. Did you always travel with your skates in the car?
    I remember lots of happy, chilly, times skating in Chicago. It was never as beautiful as this, though.

  10. Christine's given us a tiny--very tiny-glimpse in a postcard of the Mitteleuropaeisch (Central European) mode of being. It's a frame of mind, a disposition, strongly influenced by German and Austro-Hungarian formal authority, but leavened throughout by the admixture of so many other robust peoples and cultures. Jack/Youngstown

  11. What a great memory and photo to go with it.

  12. What a wonderful happening to look back and think of all these years later, you photo is wonderful.

  13. Not only does Christine always carry her skates in the car, she is usually wearing them, 'just in case'! I have skated on some pretty clear frozen lakes in my day, but this one is almost scary, especially if the ice was making any 'popping' sounds like it does sometimes... They sure could use a Motel 6 and Super 8 motel on that lake today to beautify it a bit like we do here in America, shoot, maybe even a casino with RV parking too.

  14. Hallo Christine!
    Danke für deine Nachricht! Das Foto ist wirklich toll und Fuschl sieht tatsächlich immer noch genauso aus wie auf deinem Bild! Vielleicht wirst du ja irgendwann nochmal die Gelegenheit haben, mit deinen Schlittschuhen den Fuschlsee zu erkunden ;)
    Hier ist es schon recht kalt, an manchen Abenden riecht es sogar schon nach Schnee. Ich denke, lange wird es nicht mehr dauern, bis der erste Schnee den Winter einläutet und unsere Seen und Berge in eine Märchenlandschaft verwandelt.
    Liebe Grüße aus Österreich,
