Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good Luck, Soldier Boy

A soldier stops in a small town in 1917 and gives his address to young woman. She sends him a card. Does he write back? Do they ever meet again? I guess we'll never know.

The message to Sergeant Johnson reads:
Dear Friend
Will drop you a card guess you remember handing me your address in Rockingham
hope you are well and having a nice time my address is 
Bessie Giles Rockingham, N.C.


  1. Western Christendom died (or went into a long repose) a year before this card at the Somme. Jack/Youngstown

  2. I do hope he was "having a nice time" in Georgia, as that was likely to not be the case when he was sent overseas....

  3. So many perished in that dreadful war, not that any war is anything other than dreadful.

  4. We don't often look at the total number of casualties. Usually, it's just Americans who died, but , of course, what really matters is the total number. In World War I, 8.5 million people were killed and over 21 million injured, but this doesn't count the 7.75 million who were POW and missing.

  5. Hi Christine
    Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving that really cute story about the dog and the shoes! Too Cute! Also thank you for this post, honoring our soldiers is something that we can never have too much of. I have a soft spot for all of our courageous
    war heros!!!
