Saturday, October 2, 2010


It's just a coincidence that yesterday's post was entitled 'Signs of Hope.'  I bought a number of old photo postcards some months ago, and I found myself particularly drawn to the ones that seemed to personify a thought or a feeling. This young lady is so lovely, and her face is so full of hope.

Here is the back of the card. As hard as I tried, I couldn't make out the photographer's name.


  1. what a beautiful old photo. She is so pretty. I love these, the clothes, hair do's and the poises. So sad nothing is written on the back to identify her or where she lived.

  2. Lovely expression on her pretty face, too.

  3. Hmm. looks like it is stamped on in relief..maybe try the thirties detective trick of putting a piece of thin paper over it and rubbing lightly with a pencil if so.

  4. I know this sounds cruel and dismissive, but this young, pretty woman looks like a gal who'll only be happy with a guy of Scots-Irish background. No one named Gino or Franz need apply. Is my judgment off-base? Jack/Youngstown

  5. Hmmm, well you may be right, Jack. I wish we could ask her.

  6. She's lovely! It's a very tender portrait.

  7. I see her maybe 15 years later in Dorothea Lange's well-known photo of a migrant mom during the Depression. Jack/Youngstown

  8. There seems to be such a strength of character about her. You get the feeling that you could depend on her in a crisis.
