Saturday, October 16, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

I may not deserve it, but I have been the recipient of three very gracious random acts of kindness this week - and probably more if I really thought about it. However, these three acts are all postcard and blog related, so that's why I'm highlighting them here.

#1 - Brian from Paper Sponge sent me a very nice book as a prize for the recent caption contest on his blog. Although I officially won the contest, there was a caption that I admit was better than mine, if a little off-color.  I apologize to that person, but the book is mine. Sorry, maybe next time you will mind your language and get the prize you deserve.

When I first looked at this book,  I was certain that it was from a later period than the Sally, Dick, and Jane books, so I was surprised to see that the book is from 1965. Why surprised? Well, because this book has BLACK children in it! Asians too! I don't remember that from Sally, Dick, and Jane. Here's the cover of this revolutionary book, which still maintains the basic illustration style of S,D, and J.

#2 Aimee Dars of The Postman Loves Me sent me an envelope with seven carefully selected streetcar postcards that she had been setting aside for me - this in the middle of her wedding preparations. Wow! I will post the cards on future Streetcar Sundays, but here is one of them as a preview. Thank you, Aimee.
Finally, my cousin-in-law - or whatever you call the person who marries your cousin - sent me a book. He had heard about the title, tracked it down, bought it, and sent it off to me. I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you, Gabriel! Here's the cover (scary, huh?):

These random acts of kindness not only made my week, they also inspired me to think about ways that I may be able to extend random acts of kindness to others. Not sure what yet, but I'm working on it.


  1. Nice post - what a great network of froends and family you have.

  2. what wonderful items you have received. The book look wonderful. I have read some of his books and truly enjoy his mystries. Enjoy. Grace

  3. When we city kids were youngsters, we'd mercilessly mock the cover of "The Boy Scout Handbook", which then showed (if my memory's okay) a gangling, smiley-faced lad painted Norman Rockwell-style, a happy wanderer in Boy Scout togs.

    Don't even want to think about what we'd have done with "More Fun with Our Friends", the cover of which seems way too white-bread for the yeasty ethnic compost I grew up in. But, maybe these books were meant to point the way to an idealized America. Jack/Youngstown

  4. So glad you're enjoying your (new to you) book. It's from my favorite series of that era among others. Truly classic illustrations.

  5. But Jack, did you not have the Sally, Dick, and Jane-type books? They were the complete antithesis of creativity and individuality. I think the dog was named Spot and the cat was named Puff. In any case, first editions of Sally, Dick, and Jane are now valuable.

  6. Christine, I'm not sure, but, yeah, must have been SD & J or something similar. The point was to speak to others from a text, so I'm not sure creativity entered into it all that much.

    BTW-Brian at PaperSponge has a big stash of paper ephemera I recall from the occasional postcard and paper ephemera shows I attended in Cleveland and Akron back in the 1990s. Nice to see them on the Web. Jack/Youngstown

  7. Glad you like the postcards! I have to admit, I love going postcard shopping with a mission!

  8. Postcard Killers --- that really has my attention! I've been wanting to write an illustrated novel/cozy mystery based on my French postcards.
