Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Uppity Women

Here's a great old German postcard characterizing the women's movement. It shows all the male-dominated venues that women could potentially infiltrate, and what might happen to men as a result. They could end up wearing aprons and feeding babies like the guy shown above. The caption under him says "The Man of the Future."

Women, in the meantime, would be taking over the male habitat and drinking beer in the morning,  going to smoking clubs, and paying for kisses from the kissing booth. Worst of all, these women would refuse to bear children and would instead pick them up from Stork & Co. And notice that almost all of these women appear to be wearing trousers. What a hilarious concept!

This card was sent to Leonard Beeler in Schwyz, Switzerland in about 1909.  In that very year, regional chapters of the Swiss Association for Women's Right to Vote were asking for equal rights for women. It was a long wait in Switzerland, as women there didn't even gain the right to vote until 1971 - yes, 1971!

Luckily, we don't have any strange or humorous perceptions of gender roles or differences today.


  1. No Kiss Automat is necessary in the state of Florid-i-a.
    Or trousers.
    Aviso a sugardaddies: necesito dineros.
    "Nothing else matters", to lyrically quote Alcoholica.

  2. Hi Christine,
    Very funny! Yours is rather a unique blog and I can see there's possibilities for you to enjoy yourself over at Fridge Soup. Anyone with a slightly sarcastic or ironic bent is more than welcome.

  3. You mean, babies don't REALLY come from storks?!hehe

  4. Hi Christine,
    Did you see the show about Sweden and the new father's getting maternity leave?
    Some countries are sure way ahead of us!

  5. Hi Christine,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. And thank you even more for all the nice things you said about it. I'm new to the blogging world and I absolutely love blogging. I made you one of my favorites because I love postcards and your blog is awesome. Great information and great postcards. Keep up the great stuff,
    P.S. love your name!

  6. Trishia,
    I think this explains why I don't have any children. Where are the storks around here?

    I know some people in the U.S. who have gotten paternity leave, but probably not widespread. Some countries are ahead of us. I guess I would have thought Switzerland would be one of them - but not giving women the vote until 1971 -that's scandalous.

  7. Christine,
    P.S. I was thinking the same thing about your name.

  8. Great postcard! Now I have PC envy!
