Monday, November 29, 2010

Business in Binghamton #2

If you were a hatter, what would you put on the front of your trade card? Maybe a stylish hat?  Calkin the Hatter decided, for whatever reason, that a horse belonged on the front of his card. The back was blank. The card is from prior to 1886, because in that year Calkin took on a partner and the name of the business was changed to Calkin & Delevan, hatters, furriers, and dealers in men's furnishing goods. It doesn't have the same ring as Calkin the Hatter.


  1. Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe. Ich werde deinen guten Rat auf jeden Fall beherzigen. Ich muss das Rezept noch mal einschicken wenn ich die dpi geändert habe.
    Das allerdings kann dauern, da ich noch immer
    nicht weis wie.
    Alles Liebe

  2. But if you've ever seen a horse that needed a hat to look really stylish, that's the horse.

  3. This horse would look a lot gentler with a hat. Right now he's saying, "Buy a hat Brian or I'll give you a good nip."

  4. What a cool card. I really like it.
