Friday, November 19, 2010

Girl with a Hoop

This child is beautiful and exotic looking, but unfortunately I can't tell you anything more about her. The card is Italian, probably from the 1920s.

Here's the back of the card. Although this card certainly has a story, I don't know anything about it. Lucky for you, there is Sepia Saturday, where people (more often than not) know the stories behind their photos.


  1. Hi Christine, a gorgeous little girl and prettily dressed too. It would be nice to know her name!

  2. What a great postcard. On first glance I would have thought she was Oriental, but I was wrong. Great blog!

    Natasha from:

  3. She is adorable. I think the hoop that she's holding is interesting, how it's flat from outside to inside instead of the usualy round or flat from side to side.

  4. I love the play on circles : the circle of the hoop, the face and even the haircut. Great Sepia, great card.

  5. The Hoola Hoop?
    A craze in the late fifties

  6. When I set eyes on this, I thought, 'little girl lost'. A charming picture.

  7. This is indeed a beautiful photo and a beautiful child. The hoop is interesting. I have a shot of one grandson taken recently at school in sepia and costume. Looks old but of course it is not. Great post.

  8. Her eyes!

    My mother had a haircut like that, at that sort of age.

  9. These turn of the last century pictures usually carry a timeless transcendence. Beautiful study.

  10. Very cool, I didn't know the hoola hoop has been popular for so long.

  11. Kristy, just a hoop. That hula marketing angle came later. With a stick, you'd try to keep the hoop spinning, get it to change directions, or, mostly unsuccessfully, try to get the hoop to do trick moves. Jack/Y-town

  12. A very lovely photo. Her expression is great.

  13. Yes, the Hula hoop came later. These hoops were considered suitable for ladies in long dresses at the turn of the century. The Hula Hoop would have been considered scandalous.

  14. There's a girl spinning a hoop in Giorgio de Chirico's 1914 painting, "Mystery and Melancholy of a Street". (Sometimes the "mystery" and "melancholy" are transposed.) Jack/Y-town

  15. Hi Christine, thanks for all your well wishes on my trip, shall I send you a postcard? (lol)

  16. What a sweet little photo - quite mysterious.
