Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We're Off to Hawaii!

Well, you might not be off to Hawaii, but I am.  Don't feel bad though. The architect who steals my covers is staying home too to slave away at work and rake up autumn leaves.

I am actually taking work with me,  but I expect that most of my time will be spent with handsome Hawaiian men ferrying me about in outrigger canoes and lovely native maidens decorating me with leis. O.K., maybe not, but I intend to enjoy sunshine and warm weather in any case. During the next week, I'll post a number of vintage Hawaiian cards and photos.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.


  1. Have a great trip! Watch out for falling coconuts though: I've heard those have killed people there...yep, there's always a potential down side to any vacation...

  2. See, it's a good thing I didn't go, otherwise I would have to wear a helmet and rake up coconuts! Actually, one of my favorite things in Hawaii is the unique flora.

  3. Christine -- Have a great trip! Hope maybe we can meet you there next time... M, I'll be slaving away too, we'll have to commiserate at some point... Karin

  4. Have a great time. Do pick up some postcards while there.

  5. Don Ho's 1965 hit, "Lei, Lady, Lei", is said by many to be the inspiration for Bob Dylan's "Lay, Lady, Lay". Serious.:-D Jack/Youngstown

  6. Really, Jack? I never heard of that Don Ho song.

  7. Have a great time! If you've never been, you're going to want to move there.

    Anon, I think that most of the flora in Hawaii is endemic -- it's not found anywhere else.

  8. My inner sixth-grader got the better of me, Christine. I've never been to Hawaii, somehow never got its appeal, but hope you have a great time. Jack/Youngstown

  9. Have a wonderful trip! Be sure to come back with interesting stories or postcards.

  10. K, you are right about the native plants of Hawaii, 2000 miles of ocean between you and anything else can make for a limited gene pool... That is changing though, as invasive species and development take their toll on both the flora and fauna of the islands. A beautiful book, 'Remains of a Rainbow', documents some of Hawaii's unique species, and notes that more have gone extinct in the past 200 years there than in all of North America in the last 500.

    P.S.- she already lived there...

  11. "I'm actually taking work with me" -- and you have oceanfront property in Arizona?hehe The hubby and I went to Hawaii last March, one of the best trips of my life. Congrats on your "working" getaway. Your secret is safe with me:)
