Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Bonne Année Bachelors

Here they are, the four French bachelors, all wishing you a Happy New Year and competing for your affections. Which one will you choose?

Bachelor #1 is named Jean-Paul. He has has dark hair and a mustache, and wears a dark suit. He timidly offers you a petite bouquet. Jean-Paul enjoys romantic dinners by candlelight and cries during sad movies. His sister adores him.

Bachelor #2 is named Jean-Claude. He has has dark hair and a mustache, and is wearing a dark suit. He also offers you a bouquet of flowers, though his is slightly larger than Jean Paul's. Jean-Claude likes to wear polka dot ties and enjoys romantic strolls in the park.

Bachelor # 3 is named Jean-Louis. He has dark hair and a mustache, and wears a dark suit. Jean-Louis enjoys boating, bawdy jokes, buxom women, and heavy drinking. As a schoolboy, he once put glue in Jean-Paul's shoes.

Bachelor #4 is named Jean-Pierre. He distinguishes himself with his dark hair and mustache. Jean-Pierre wears a dark overcoat and a bowler, and offers you flowers, a love letter, and a mystery gift inside the box. He enjoys working in the family's taxidermy business.

So, which one will it be?

And here's a sample of a romantic letter written by Jean-Pierre to his dear little Marie in 1913:


  1. Liebe Christine,
    deine Rosenkavaliere sind klasse.
    Ich hoffe du hattest ein tolles Weihnachtsfest und ich wünsche dir ein schönes Sylvester und ein glückliches Jahr 2012.
    Alles Liebe

  2. Delightful cards, it must have been lovely to receive one of these from a sweetheart. Happy New Year to you.

  3. Flower, a letter, AND a box? Definitely number four!

  4. No telling what might be in that box, Aimee.

  5. What a cute post! I love it. I pick #2! I have a girl versions of this on my Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/listing/24018086/vintage-postcard-bonne-annee-happy-new

  6. #4 appears to be the most suave on top of having the most gifts, but I'd bet he's also the type to ply you with his charms, then leave you cryin' on the banks of the Seine... Number 2 didn't seem bad either, but his extremely short legs and lack of a left arm below the elbow make me wonder just how romantic of a stroll in the park he could offer.

  7. Jean-Pierre is also apparently addicted to envelope glue. Apparently he never watched Seinfeld.

    This is almost like having a membership to eharmony!

  8. I'm indecisive between No 3 and No 4. No 4 may offer me a stuffed cat (family taxidermy business), which would offend me terribly. No 3 likes buxom women (not me) but both are way more exciting than 1 and 2, but could No 3 shave off the 'tache? I like the glue in the shoes too - Jean Paul probably deserved it. Fab post idea!

  9. I will pick number 2 thank you very much.. please do not let my hubby know.

  10. I can't comment or decide for laughing too hard:)
