Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Birthday

The message to Nelson J. Hastings reads:

Dear Neltie:
I will send you this card to wish you a happy Birth day and will try and answer your letter you sent me along time ago. Tell Georgie I received his letter.
Aunt Gertrude


  1. How cool is that! You have to admit though that it looks like she's pressing the gas and he's reaching over and steering. haha.

  2. That is one pimped out birthday carriage, better get it home before midnight when it turns back into a '75 Volkswagen Thing!

  3. Brian, you are right that the steering wheel seems to be on the wrong side. Artistic license, I guess?

  4. And what's up with that hand waving goodbye, looks awkward. But maybe all those roses finally got to her.

  5. I've decided that she's exceedingly drunk and he gallantly stepped in to drive for her as she waves goodbye to her drinking buddies.

  6. I am such a sucker for these embossed greeting cards. The colors on this one are phenomenal!
