Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Christmastide

Here's a Raphael Tuck & Sons trade card from the early 1880s.  Raphael Tuck and his family produced beautiful cards from the 1870s until 1960.

The back of the card is blank, except for the logo. Here are some previous posts of Tuck cards.


  1. a lovely card, Merry Christmas to you Christine and thanks for showing all these lovely postcards :)

  2. What a beautiful Christmas Card Merry Chiristmas to you.

  3. Ich wünsch dir und deinem Mann noch mal auf diesem Weg ein frohes Weihnachtsfest.
    Alles liebe

  4. A Merry Christmastide to you! I love that word. I love that tree, but that kid looks a little cold to me.

  5. A lovely Christmas card by one of the great publishers. I tend to buy vintage Christmas postcards on ebay and send them to close friends and relatives, they are so much nicer than modern ones and often no more expensive.

  6. That child is risking some nasty splinters and a case of frostbite by trying to climb to the north pole to see Santa....

  7. The legal staff here at the Daily Postcard just issued the following statement:
    The Daily Postcard does not condone or encourage unsupervised climbing of trees by children, especially when inadequately dressed and in freezing, hot, windy, or otherwise perilous conditions. By reading this blog, you agree to hold the Daily Postcard harmless for any bodily injury, pain and suffering, loss of income, or other physical or financial loss, whether perceived or real, to you, your relatives, or persons of your acquaintance, as a result of reading, relating, or being influenced by any of the posts hereon.

  8. This card is beautiful but I especially like Raphael Tuck's logo. It's spectacular (in a quiet sort of way). Merry Christmas to you, Christine.

  9. Lovely! As much as I enjoy the vibrant Christmas colors, it's nice to see a muted, winter-y scene!

  10. Does your addendum cover laughing ourselves silly?:)
