Saturday, December 25, 2010

Joyeux Noël

I wish you Joyeux Noël, Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten or whatever you prefer.

This card was sent to Marie from her cousin, with the following message:

The cousin who loves you


  1. That one is easy to read and understand even if you don't know French!

  2. Is Marcelle being passive-aggressive and implying that Marie's other cousins don't love her? Either way, Marie received a fine card, happy holidays to all!

  3. A lovely postcard! Happy Christmas!

  4. Dear Christine, just a note to thank you for the kind words which you left on my blog. Your comments are always thoughtful and a joy to read!

    I hope that you had a Joyeux Noël! Your selection of postcards are a resourceful visual encapsulation of history, a daily snapshot of education and fun! A really informative blog indeed!
