Friday, December 3, 2010

Little Edith Bee

I wonder whatever became of Edith Bee of Edinburgh, Scotland. Edith appears to have been the youngest child in the Bee family.
Here's the back of the card, sent in 1917:
The message reads:
Dear Edith
Do you like this little dog. How many days have you been at school. I hope you have a nice teacher and that you will soon learn to read and write and count and ever so much more.
With love from A.M.

You can go online and look at the Rosemount Buildings where Edith and the her family lived. The buildings are still there and are listed with The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. The building is a three-story industrial tenement building, built in 1860 and designed by William Lambie Moffat. It was built around a quadrangle with corner towers. Click here to see a nice aerial view.

And here's what it looks like from the street.

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  1. Oh Christine I LOVE this postcard!!! This is my favorite of all that you have posted! Long-haired chihuahuas are my absolute favorite breed of dog. My very fisrt dog as a young adult was the sweetest little fawn-colored long-haired chihuahua. I miss him soooo much (he passed away at age 13 of ailments do to old age) this card really sparks my memories of him. Thank you for this sweet, sweet post!!!

  2. Christine,
    I never would have known that was a chihuahua. I'm glad to know it. Very cute!

  3. Christine, the dog's eyes are so sharp in this photo -- I thought at first this was a card with glass eyes. What clarity. He really pops out at you. Bet he was a yipper:)

  4. Cute dog and I love the name "Edith Bee". Due to being snowed in (and more than a bit nosy) I had a rummage round the internet and believe that Edith was Edith Drummond Bee born 1912 in Midlothian. She made a trip to New York in 1933 - she was noted as aged 21 and a typist, and her address was given as 9 Rosemount Buildings, Edinburgh. A lady of the same name married in Midlothian in 1940.

  5. Jo,thanks so much. That does appear to fit. How exciting.

  6. That's a cute dog. I didn't know there were long-haired chihuahuas.
