Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Birthday Wishes

Best birthday wishes to the architect who steals my covers and occasionally leaves anonymous comments on this blog. May you have a bright and wonderful day, all the covers you need, and a year full of fun and adventure.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.


  1. Happy Birthday to Mr. Daily Postcard!

  2. I love how the first card subtly juxtaposes a Bauhaus inspired bird house against a traditional late second millennial European cityscape! The coup de grace though is the golden bird- representing postmodernism, of course- being chased from the nest by the proud guardian bird of true modernism, green being the symbolic color of 'good to go'. Then again, perhaps I'm reading into it a bit much... thanks for the wishes!

  3. I ride the 10 just across the river, from the west to the east, on the way to work sometimes, and at lunch sometimes. My main going back and forth from home to work is either the 15 or the 20. I absolutely love having choices!

  4. Oh, I am so in love with that top postcard! How beautiful, better than any Hallmark in this day and age!

  5. The indepth perceptions of the Birthday Boy are a bit lost on me. I'm sure he's right, but .. I really do like the top card:) And Christine, I'm really jealous because I think American cards have more varied and interesting backside designs than my French ones, as illustrated by the second card.
