Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dr. Whatsisname Invites You To Smoke

Here's a big coffee table book from 1947 that was most likely distributed to doctors to put in their waiting rooms for their patients' reading pleasure. After all, it presents doctors in a very good light. What doctor wouldn't want this? It even has pictures that will keep children entertained. It just happens to also be produced by a major cigarette company, which has included some not-so-subtle advertising. This is a very large book (12" by 15"), which is hard to center on my scanner, so please forgive the crooked scans.

There are lots more illustrations, but that's it for this post.


  1. Yul Brynner, born Yuliy Borisovich Bryner, invited us to STOP smoking. He was born in Vladivostok, in the Russian Far East (present-day Primorsky Krai, Russia), not in the Sakhalin Islands (back in you es es a-aar), as he claimed.
    "Lawyer, lawyer, pants on feuer"...:)
    That was long after the days when he was smoking five packs a day. He got his six-pack only from...performing as a trapeze acrobat, at a circus. He had a good posture, stance, stamina...said the co-working ladies from Hollywood.
    Then the lung cancer got the best of him.

  2. AWESOME. Please post more!!! (Wanna trade my Creepy People in a Sleigh With a Taxidermied Deer photo for it???)

  3. What an amazing testament to the time!

  4. Tracy,
    This is very tempting. Those are some very fine creepy people. Even creepier than that first doctor. Here's a link for people who may wonder what we're talking about:

  5. What a great piece. What couldn't big tobacco companies get away with back then!?! That book is proof. Next, you'll dig up a poster that says, "Keep Calm and Smoke More." Great post! If you ever have time, please post more from the book.

  6. Very amazing and great images! Thanks

  7. This post is priceless. Thank medical science for longer life spans...irony upon irony here.

  8. Ironic and scarey. Is there any corporation that has a conscience?!!
    Watched Good Luck, Good Night a couple months ago. Forgot all about when cig commercials were on TV. Guess we have made some progress....
