Friday, January 28, 2011

Sepia Saturday - Grant Meyers and Family

Last week I featured my great grandparents Grant and Gertrude Meyers for Sepia Saturday. Here's another photo of them taken in the 1930s. You can see they're not in Kansas anymore.

And here's a picture of Grant's family, taken around 1895. The family was originally from Somerset, Pennsylvania, but moved first to Illinois and then to Morrill, Kansas. In this picture William Meyers (1839-1909) is wearing the striped pants. His wife, Martha Haines Meyers (1844-1916), has very thin features and is wearing a dress with a square pattern. They are surrounded by their nine surviving children, there were three more who died at an early age. Looking at this picture, I notice that the boys all seem to look like their mother, while the girls look like their father. This was perhaps a little unfortunate for the girls.

In the 1850 Census, the name is listed as Meyer for William and his family. The gravestones of William's parents both show Meyer as the name instead of Meyers, so the S seems to have been added with William's generation.

Grant is in the back row, third from the right.
Here is the full list of names:
Back row: Minerva (Willard), Milton, Sidney, Grant, William, Hans
Front row: Emma (Bowman), Martha Haines Meyers, Jessie (Moore), William, Mildred (Little)

Don't forget to check out Sepia Saturday for more interesting photos.


  1. They appear to be in a very warm climate one that I wish I could visit! Nice family group, isn't it just a lot of fun learning about them?

  2. How many ladies today would wear such high neck dressers. They must be tight round the throat.

  3. Wonderful Pictures! Love the one of your grandpa in his hat.... I always think of my grandpa when I see photos of men wearing a hat

  4. Oh you had mentioned Somerset on my blog last week; what were they doing there? That last photo of the family gathered is priceless..

  5. Christine, these are a wonderful example of SS material. I really do not have lots of old, old photos. I keep looking. Since I am the oldest in my family now, there is no one to go to. I am finding some on Ancestry.Com. I love the outfits in that group photo. All nicely dressed folks. Great post.

  6. What fantastic photos. True treasures of your family.

  7. Love those striped pants and then the lines on Martha's suit. Wonderful shots!

  8. Love the photo. The clothes are wonderful and so is the backdrop.

  9. Such a handsome group of brothers! Martha was a beautiful woman. I love the clothes, too.

  10. I love this photo. Such serious faces, and such wonderful clothes. And the names - Minerva and Mildred - I love them!

  11. Two photographs that are almost templates : I have similar poses and similar groups in my collection. The formal family group and the informal pairing, often cropped from a larger group photo. As always, a fascinating post.

  12. It's great that you have such a fabulous family portrait and it's very fun to see Grant as a young man and as an older man. Can you imagine the family getting ready to go to the photographer's studio to have that portrait taken? Do you think there was lots of excitement, everyone getting so dressed up? Thanks for sharing!

  13. well, they made for handsome women rather than beautiful women, but i see no fault with that...

  14. These are my grandparents, so somewhere along the line, we must be related. Who were your grandparents? My father was Rolland Meyers. I am living back in Kansas now, and I've visited their graves in the Morrill Cemetery.

  15. Charlotte was my grandmother, so yes, we are related!

  16. I am a daughter of Richard and these were my grand parents, Gertrude and Grant. We called her Daddyma, instead of grandma. This is a Swedish custom,if this were your father's mother, if was your mother's mother and she would be called Mammasma. Your grandma was my aunt Charlotte.

  17. I am your Mother's cousin and you remind me of her, when she was younger! Elaine
