Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More from Columbia, South Carolina

Much of  Columbia, South Carolina was destroyed by fire in 1865 during the Civil War when Union troops lead by General Sherman occupied the city. Today, you can still visit the remnants of some structures that survived the Civil War, as well as more recent historic buildings.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.


  1. The one of the bridge is delightful. Like an illustration from a children's book.


  2. Love those old cars! The traffic signal in the first postcard is great too.

  3. Guess they only allowed short people to work on the upper floor of the post office, based on the window height... That is sort of a 'bridge to nowhere' on the third card, unless your destination is trees-doesn't look like hoards of people were rushing to get to or from there!

  4. Hallo Christine, danke für deinen lieben und aufmunternden Kommentar.
    Die Idee mit dem Buch ist ja zu schön um wahr zu sein.
    Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche

  5. Anonymous,
    If you read the back of the card, you will see that George Washington did not have the benefit of a bridge when he crossed here - and had to use a rope ferry instead. I bet he was going someplace important.

  6. Aww, G.W. was probably just going into town for some cherry pie, not that desert isn't important mind you...
