Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The fist card really says it all.

The message on the card, sent to Billie Buswell in 1930, reads:

To see Oklahoma City,  you would never imagine it was only opened up to Homesteaders in 1889.

And here are two cards showing downtown Oklahoma City in about 1937.

The courthouse, designed by Solomon Layton, was built in 1937 for 1.5 million dollars. Here are the backs of the last two cards.


  1. I really like the artwork on that first card. It has an early-American primitive look to it, particularly in some of the horses.

  2. 1.5 million in 1937 must have been a big amount....

  3. Time is such a strange thing isn't it. Just 41 years between the opening up of the State and those city office-blocks, and that is shorter (considerably shorter) than my life span.

  4. My clearest recollection from a visit to O.City was the oil rigs right downtown, there is even one on the state capitol lawn! I think there were even more in downtown Tulsa... The race for land depicted in the first card is amazing, guess I always thought it was a bit more orderly and slow paced. Wonder how many fists flew and guns were drawn over who got somewhere first- sort of pathetic- perhaps a lottery would have been a better idea?

  5. The first postcard reminds me of the premise behind the movie "Far and Away" with Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Love the aerial downtown card.

  6. The Civic Center is still there. We went to see George Carlin there a few years ago.
