Monday, March 28, 2011

Edwin Burt Fine Shoes

I posted a card previously for Edwin Burt fine shoes, but I like this one even better. Trade cards were very popular during the 1880s, but not really beyond then. Edwin Burt died in 1884.


  1. The shoe may be fine, but the leg above the ankle is rather chubby. Say it ain't so.
    The Cupid has an apron, which leaves him a little behind.
    The girl is faster, that is.
    "The Genuine Burt Shoe HAS the name [...] and ARE warranted..."
    Where's the grammatical accord, man?
    The Lady's toes seem to be terribly compressed in those narrow, flat tips of shoes.
    Rockford, ILL.? Wrong choice of abbreviation.
    Other than that, nice card!

  2. That's a gal with some serious ankles, I really think she would do better in a pair of hiking boots...

  3. This is a unusual card. I did realize it was cupid who was lacing the shoes and thought it strange that he was naked. It is an interesting marketing ploy.

  4. It's intersting to see these cards and then analyse the imagery :) thanks :)

  5. Great card. I wonder if any Burt shoes have survived?

  6. Advertising postcards are my favorites, as they were often more inventive than the usual fare. Nice!

  7. Great card !! Especially the second one.

  8. Wonderful card. That foot looks very large and that shoe looks very small. They can't have been very comfy.

  9. I LUV the design even if the lady does have fat ankles, calves, whatever:) But it is funny that the typesetter split 'manufactured' when it would easily have fit on the second line???
