Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Children Have Gone Fishing

Here are some more French Poisson d'Avril  or April Fish cards. Yesterday's cards all featured lovely women; today's all feature children. As the first card explains, these children are continuing a long tradition of offering fish and flowers for the first of April.

A typical card might have a message on the back that says, "Guess who sent you this." The cards are often joking and romantic at the same time.

Here's the back of the first card, sent on April 1, 1904.
To see more Possin d'Avril cards from previous posts, click here.


  1. Those are all great. I especially like the first one.

  2. I like how the boy's hat changed colors between the 4th and 5th cards, the flexibility of hand coloring! Found the child on the last card adorable, even though she comes bearing stiff fish...

  3. All your postcards are beautiful! I collect vintage postcards, and I adore looking through these.

  4. I love your blog. The postcards you have are wonderful!

  5. Ja ja, früh übt sich.
    Das sind ja wieder herrlich skurrile Karten.

  6. That first card with the colorful fish....awesome!

  7. i guess they're all holding flower bouquets for the smell of the fish...
