Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Navy - Close Quarters

Oh, and what a message on the back!

The message to Giles D. Ahart reads:

July 30, '09
Dear Scrubby: -
You owe me a card but I will write you this one. You hav'nt got to write if you feel so much above anyone else.
Solong. Ducket

I don't know anything about Giles D. Ahart's life, but I do know that he was born in 1886 and died in 1967. He was buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Spencer, New York.


  1. She reminds me of how Ben Geza Affleck was kissing his other, while still gazing somewhere else.
    Also, this lady positioned herself ABOVE him, now didn't she?
    Oh, Ducket! (risky choice of name...)

  2. Never mind Ducket, how about Scrubby? Maybe she expects him to swap the deck.

  3. Gosh! it makes you wonder how many people have read this message over the years and wondered . . . :)

  4. Ducket appears to be a little ticked off awaiting her/his postcards from Scrubby. Oh wouldn't you like to know what Scrubby wrote back?

  5. Just a lovely card and message - so typical of the period.

  6. That handwriting is unique....with a slight slant to the left.

  7. What great expressions on the lovers' faces!

  8. @Postcardy: Witty! Brilliant! :)
