Thursday, May 5, 2011

More Giant Vegetables

Brian from PaperSponge sent me these cards. There's nothing quite like giant vegetables, except maybe jackalopes - that wonderful cross between a jack rabbit and an antelope.


  1. Wonderful : I wonder whether this thing about postcards of giant vegetables are an exclusively American thing : I have never seen such things on British cards.

  2. I absolutely love giant vegetables! Of course here in CA we grow teeny little veggies....maybe they should make postcards of those...

  3. Giant veggie postcards are the best!

  4. Ha, ha ha die sind bestimmt genmanipuliert

  5. And all these years I thought a 'jackalope' was a cross between a jack fruit and a cantaloupe... Personally, I prefer the French fish over the giant fruit, although they might be interesting in a meal together!

  6. Don't forget giant apples. I have one on my blog with the same numbered flatcar, but the car is a different size and angle.

  7. The best giant veggie postcards I've seen!

  8. The post caught me off guard! Haha. So glad you like them. I keep my eyes out for more. They are very entertaining.

  9. A whole new take on 'eat your veggies.' It would take the entire town to eat one of these! I think this is an American thing cause I've never seen French postcards like this.

  10. We at the League for the Suppression of Celery have been made aware of your knowledge of giant stalks of celery and request that you immediately notify us as to the origin of this particular menace which must be stopped.

  11. Uh-oh. I have been sworn to celery secrecy and can't reveal my sources.
