Friday, May 27, 2011

Venice, Italy

Here is another postcard from the former collection of the Walker & Weeks architecture firm. I imagine that they traveled all over Europe, collecting postcards of buildings that inspired them.

Here we have the beautiful Piazza San Marco and a similar view many years later. Yours truly, striking a pose.

And then the Piazetta - and the same approximate view on a less sunny day.

Did we forget to smile? Were they sold out of gelato at the corner store? Were the pigeons attacking someone? Oh, what could be the matter? Will someone please help these people!
Tired of looking at pigeons? You may want to go check out dogs and cats at Sepia Saturday.


  1. Maybe you are all wondering why people are gawking at mom's skirt, which is about 2 feet shorter than those on other ladies in the pictures.... Too bad it was cold and rainy, Venice really shines when the sun is out or with a coat of snow, although it is pretty special at any time.

  2. Lovely photos to go with your postcards!

  3. Those pigeons get everywhere! I like the pose - very self-assured (yours, not the pigeons’!)

  4. The people look totally bored and are probably annoyed at the photographer.

  5. Venice is one city I would like to visit. I'd even put up with some pigeons.

  6. Hurry up and take the photo! we want to get something to eat! Great fun as always Christine.

  7. Kids start looking like that when they haven't seen a McDonalds in 3 or more days. It could be the weather. Perhaps okay kids - just one more picture and we'll have lunch. Wait one more shot... I love the matching postcards!

  8. Probably cold and wet. the photos seem to have been taken on the same day judging by the clothes and gloomy weather.

  9. Thanks for the memories, Christine! I was in Venice one Easter and will never forget the churches taking turns, one after the other, ringing their bells.....I love Venice, pigeons, stinky water and all. The gelato makes up for any pigeon mishap or water smells:)

  10. Love the photographs with the postcards! The top family shot is so Vogue!

  11. Very nice! A wonderful idea to find family photos to match the postcard views.

  12. cool post!! me tthinks you folks missed a boat for some special excursion, and that's the disapointment on your faces, standing there aimlessly...

    i like your pose!!

  13. Wonderful photos, Christine, and now I think I know exactly where a shot of me, aged about two, feeding the pigeons with my Grandma was taken. Thank you. I must dig it out.

  14. awesome post! i just LOVE the family photos...! am planning a trip up to venice later this planning to smile more ;-)
