Thursday, June 16, 2011

Houston, Texas

Main Street in Houston doesn't look a bit like this anymore, which is really too bad. In fact, I couldn't find anything - not one building - that would lead me to think I might be in the same spot. Main Street goes on and on forever, with surface parking, vacant lots, and general sprawl.
Is this the spot? Who knows?

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Here's the back of the card.


  1. In the future, this street will have flying saucers parked just as neatly.

  2. Almost looks like a car dealership in the middle of town...

  3. Holy cow, Model Ts and Model As as far as the eye can see! I've got a real soft spot for street scenes heavily populated with the cars of the day. Too cool!

  4. The policeman looks a little lost among all those cars. I like the way the little red car is moving into the picture in front.

  5. Fun scene! Linen postcards have the greatest street shots.

  6. Well ... they solved the congestion problem. :(

  7. Okay, you win the "How many cars can fit on a postcard image?" contest.
