Thursday, June 2, 2011

Maybe it isn't only a Paper Moon

Guess who got married yesterday?  Yup - first time for both of us.

Here's the Paper Moon card I posted previously.

And some other ones, set to the music.

Here are the lyrics of Paper Moon, written by Harold Arlen, Billy Rose, and E. Y. Harburg.

Say, its only a paper moon
Sailing over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me

Yes, it's only a canvas sky
Hanging over a muslin tree
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me

Without your love
It's a honky-tonk parade
Without your love
It's a melody played in a penny arcade

It's a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phony as it can be
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me


  1. Congrads! Many wishes for you!!

  2. Big, big congratulations! And your postcard is fabulous. :0)

  3. How sneaky!!!!! We would have sent you guys cards and good wishes -- well, it isn't too late. The postcard of you two is fabulous - how about posting one off to me? And hearty congratulations to you both. xoxoox

  4. Congratulations to you both!

  5. Congratulations to you both. With best wishes for a happy and healthy life together, Robert

  6. Thank to everyone for all the good wishes. I'm so touched! Pamela, the cards aren't printed yet, but when they are, I'll be sure to send you one.

  7. Thanks, Christine....I am a big fan of marriage...been loving my guy for a long, long time and it only gets better.....will look forward to the sweet card.

  8. Oh my! What a surprise - and a terrific one at that! I couldn't think of two nicer people for that marriage thing to happen to... Sneaky you are... I had no inkling! I'd better be on your postcard list :) Best wishes for years and years of marital bliss! Love and joy, Karin

  9. Not sure about the dorky guy, but the the girl is pretty cute! Grazie Karin, of course you are on the list...

  10. Best wishes to you, on your upcoming journey of marriage!
    "Are you a war veteran?
    - Yes, I'm married."

  11. Congratulations!

    I loved the video.

  12. I almost missed this great card....and event!!!
    Add my congratulations to all the rest.
    That's the best (and most appropriate) wedding announcement I've ever seen!

  13. Congratulations from San Francisco!

  14. Whoa, just catching up, and have I been missing out! Many many happy wishes for both of you.

    And I love your red shoes with the two buckles. I had a pair like that in brown when I was a kid, red is much groovier.

  15. Huge Congrats! That's wonderful. Thanks for sharing the news with us. I wish you many years of happiness and great antique finds!

  16. OMG!!! Christine, I just found this old post of yours. Congratulations!!! Many blessings and much happiness to you and your sweetheart.
    That is so cool and first marriages for the both of you, even better!!! I am extremely happy for you!

  17. Thanks again for all the wishes of congratulations. So far so good :)

  18. Well, I'll be -- can't believe I almost missed out on this. What a unique wedding announcement. Congratulations!

  19. I see from this photograph taken in 1886, that you are continuing a well worn tradition. Although this particular "Paper Moon" portrait was related to the then smash hit, The Mikado, I am now wondering if it's origins werer much earlier.

  20. Brett, I thought the tradition was more recent than that. Of course, I also think I'm much younger than I am, so perhaps it's fitting.

  21. Yes, me too. With the "younger than I am" thing, I mean. ;-)
