Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Farmer's Puzzle

Williams, Clark & Co., manufacturers of high-grade bone fertilizers, is proud to present you with this puzzle.  This trade card is from about 1880. Please submit your answer in the comments below.

According to an article in the New York Times on May 23, 1899, Williams, Clark & Co. was one of twenty-three major fertilizer companies that consolidated to become American Agricultural Chemical Co.


  1. Thinking outside the box-- He could make a path going in and out of gates B & C and passing gate A on the outside of the fence.

  2. Oh boy.....we artists must think outside the box because i thought of exactly the same thing -- go outside the fence!

  3. ....or maybe I should say we think outside the fence......

  4. I think I'm going to write to 101 Pearl Street for the answer.

  5. Who cares about a path to the barn, it's only big enough to put the bucket from the well in anyway!!

  6. If you got the question wrong, they wouldnt give you any of their fertilizer? Rupert Murdoch is missing a trick here!

  7. Swell puzzle....reminds me of the sort that are sometimes found on children's restaurant menus!

  8. Really cool card. It's amazing what they came up with to pull your attention on these trade cards.
