Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tiny Photos

This is the back of the card, which is much more interesting than the front. If I pried the photos off I could find out who the card was addressed to, but that would ruin the card. I suspect it was sent to someone in the Woodin family though. I have a number of other cards and photos from them.

Here's the back-I mean the front-of the card.


  1. What a wonderful idea. Presumably the family had lots of these miniatures and photo-booth shots, and stuck them to all their Xmas cards that year. The little angelic chap in the centre with his slicked down hair, was probably a rascal in reality!

  2. gorgeous little photos, they definitely make the postcard!

  3. i've never seen a postcard sent like this with the little photos on it! very interesting and different.

  4. Ann,
    I suspect the card was received and put in an album and the photos were affixed afterwards. You can see the edge of a postmark and little bits of the address around the photos.

  5. It's great to see people smiling in these old photos

  6. Faces usually look like they belong in the time period they were taken, but once in awhile they seem out of place. The woman who has the two photos above "The Daily" looks somewhat out of her time period. Give her a different hairstyle and top and she would easily fit into modern times. To me she just looks like she isn't from the 19th Century. Kind of Twilight Zone!

  7. Steven, I think the faces was not so completely different as ours. You can give almost to all old faces a new hairstyle and clothes to make an earthling in the 21th.century. Do you remember Emmett Brown from the Back to the Future?

  8. LUV this card. Great ephemera piece with all the pics.
