Friday, September 30, 2011

John Is Thrilled

Here he is - excited about riding the pony.

Here is John again - excited about relaxing in the sun.

And here he is, excited about riding his tricycle.

The truth is that John really was very enthusiastic about many things. It just doesn't show in these pictures. I think it's fair to say that he probably didn't like to pose for pictures. John Korinek, born in 1926, was my father-in-law.  Here's a picture of him getting excited about a new pair of glasses he got in 2003.

And since Tracy asked, I have added this wedding photo too. There's definitely a smile this time.

If it's unbridled enthusiasm you're after, head on over to Sepia Saturday.


  1. Those EXCITED glasses are hilarious...many children resent photo-ops imposed on them. :)

  2. One almost gets the feeling that the poor lad was told NOT to smile on these photographs.

  3. These...are fabulous! I especially like the one of him "relaxing in the sun." Do you have his wedding photos???

  4. Your father in law must have a had a real good life.... I can read it in his face (both young and old)
    Isn't that a wonderful easy chair.

  5. My favorite photo is the one on the tricycle. He doesn't look very happy in the first two.

  6. You get the feeling he’d rather be anywhere else! The wedding photo is lovely though.

  7. I like them all! He is very funny in the serious photos and very handsome in the wedding photo.

  8. They were both so beautiful. I believe you are right. He probably was not excited to have to stop his activity for a photo. Great post.

  9. My sympathies are with your father-in-law - I can quite imagine what he's thinking about those glasses.

  10. Even though 'thrilled' he is not, I adore the picture of my father on the horse, perhaps because I rode a horse for the first time at about that age, and looked quite similar to John. My father grew into happiness over the years, by the time he reached retirement it fit him just fine. Getting a joke gift like the big glasses I made for him so he could cheat in Scrabble- there were words with 'Q', 'Z', 'X' etc. written on the back of the lenses- would have him rolling with laughter.

  11. The expressions in those early photos might have simply been the natural response of children to cameras, at least back then. I have a great photo of my father from the '20s with that same expression!

  12. The one in the sun is my fave also! haha , he looks like he was a character.

  13. When I saw him on the horse I just thought he was apprehensive. The others made me think he was a laid back character.
    With the glasses a UK TV character came to mind who has the catchphrase "I don't believe it!"

  14. He started to warm up a bit by 2003, definitely.

  15. What a hoot! You had me RFLOL. Now that first photo reminds me of my husband anytime I manage to get him on a horse. :)

  16. I have a grandson who will stop smiling on purpose for a photo. I hope John was the same.

  17. Very funny. Sometimes we say we want a pony but when we finally get it, we realize what we really wanted was a dog.

  18. I love the young and old pictures. They look like a lovely couple at the wedding pic.

  19. This is a touching photolog journey from young and restless to older refinement. Love the wedding photo too and that almost grin. Those childhood pony photos, reminds me I have one from about 1950. There were itinerant photographers traveling with pony all over our country then.

  20. Too funny! What a handsome groom that John made, excited on his wedding day with his lovely bride. Great post!

    Kathy M.

  21. I love all of these photos and I had a very good laugh at the 'boy' John, he certainly didn't look very enthusiastic. Love the photo of him on the big deck chair the most ;-)

  22. Oh yes, I know some other children, and adults who don't care to have their picture taken ...and he should be very excited in 2003 for those new funny glasses, they are a riot! What a lovely couple your in-laws made as well....

  23. Hilarious chronicle of John's "enthusiastic" childhood! I'll bet the glasses were a real hit, too. Did anyone manage to get a photo of him actually wearing them or did he refuse to pose? And the wedding photo is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing John with us!

  24. These are all priceless! I especially love the one in the chair. It's perfect.
