Wednesday, September 28, 2011

San Francisco's Chinatown

Pamela Gerard of Cappuccino and Art Journal kindly sent me this San Francisco postcard folder. There are too many views to show all of them, but here are some of the highlights.

Here's a link to the Tattered and Lost post mentioned in the comments below. I also saw a very nice old San Francisco Chinatown card recently at Postcard Roundup.


  1. I love Chinatown -- joss paper, interesting buildings, good food.....all good...and I am glad you enjoyed the folding card!

  2. awesome!! love it!!!
    this is a great folding card!!!

  3. I have the third card down as a single card, but the real news is what I can tell you about the final shot of the grandfather with baby. You can read a post about the photographer at my site that I did several years ago. The photographer was Mervyn Silberstein. I have this photo, quite large, hand tinted, in and original frame, hanging on my wall. I look at it each day. It was quite a flea market find. See the post at:

  4. T&L,
    I added your link to the post. Thanks, that's very interesting and a great buy!

  5. Wow--I just looked at that link from T&L and it is amazing! I have been looking at that photo for years and how incredible to know the story behind it, What a find!

  6. What a fabulous selection! Great colors and such an interesting piece of culture.

  7. I just noticed that the 4th card down also has a Silberstein signature.

  8. There is a wonderful common theme of shape and shade that runs through all of those cards.

  9. Those are great images in that folder. In general, I don't like folders, but that is one of the good ones.

  10. I'm with Postcardy, folders often have sub-par images/printing, but these are great!

  11. Whoa !! A very good collections of postcard!
    Interesting indeed.
